Hoy os presento unos artículos sobre la esclerosis múltiple en el cine y la televisión que espero os resulten de interés. Incluyo el abstract de cada uno de los artículos.
Nervenarzt. 2009 Apr;80(4):415-21. doi: 10.1007/s00115-008-2586-z.
[The portrayal of multiple sclerosis in television series].
[Article in German]
An increasing number of television series deal with neurological disorders, including fictional portrayals of multiple sclerosis (MS). The aim of this paper was to analyze every available TV episode with an MS character.
Productions were identified by film databases and by hand search. Each episode was evaluated along neurologic and cinematic lines.
Between 1985 and 2006, portrayals of MS appeared in 17 episodes produced in Germany, the US, and the UK. The frequency of symptoms shown onscreen strongly differed from epidemiological data. In particular sensory, cognitive, and bladder symptoms as well as difficulties with sexual function were under-represented. The authenticity of the disease depiction was strongly dependent upon the genre. Coping stories could be identified as the most prominent genre. Television patients were often portrayed as "brave fighters", "refined characters", and "afflicted without symptoms".
Television series attract millions of viewers and thus shape the public image of a disease. Sound knowledge of how symptoms, diagnosis, and therapeutic options are presented in mass media is therefore indispensable for all who deal with MS patients, relatives, and caregivers.
2.- Mult Scler. 2008 May;14(4):530-40. doi: 10.1177/1352458507084587. Epub 2008 Jan 21.
Multiple sclerosis on-screen: from disaster to coping.
Fictional portrayals of multiple sclerosis (MS) in film and on television have remained largely unexamined to date. The aim of this review is consequently to catalog and analyse every available film with an MS motif.
The author has identified relevant productions by means of international film databases and by handsearch. Each film is systematically evaluated along neurological and cinematic lines.
Between 1941 and 2006 MS appeared as a theme in 23 films. Because screenplay writers often make use of medical knowledge, from a neurological perspective many films present a largely accurate picture of this disease's symptoms. The visual character of the medium and the effects of dramatic composition result in the prominence of certain symptoms. Ataxia, paralysis, blurred vision and fatigue are found in films with the same frequency as in epidemiological studies whereas sensory symptoms, eye movement disorders, incontinence and difficulties with sexual function were underrepresented. These films thematize the effects of MS on patients' self-image, the psychological adaptation process and their relations with proxy in a special way. Parallel with improvements in therapy and changing social attitudes toward the handicapped, these films have progressed from the earlier 'disaster' to modern 'coping' stories.
The often life-like portrayal of MS distinguishes these films from the stereotypic representation of other neurological diseases. Because representations of MS in popular media have an immediate effect on an audience of millions, they deserve greater attention from professional neurology.
Television illness depictions, identity, and social experience: responses to multiple sclerosis on The West Wing among people with MS.
This project contributes to our understanding of how audiences interpret televised depictions of illness by investigating responses to the depiction ofmultiple sclerosis (MS) on the television drama The West Wing from 1999 to 2002. The study employs qualitative methods, including a focus group, individual interviews, and the collection of electronic message board posts to investigate how people with MS interpret the dramatization of the illness. Findings are analyzed in terms of respondents' perceptions of (a) the portrayal of the physical disease, (b) the portrayal of the social dimensions of MS, and (c) the impact of this portrayal for themselves and others with the disease. The study found that participants engaged in self-comparisons with the depiction of MS within the program. These comparisons resulted in a range of reactions from individuals varying in relation with their multiplephysical and social experiences with the illness. Thus, illness experience adds complexity to judgments about accuracy, meaning, and outcomes related to health depictions. Participants expressed a desire to see more symptoms depicted, and they noted concern about the identities communicated to the public about people with MS and its influence on their daily, lived experience.

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